Meet The Team | Office Manager, Ashlee

Meet The Team | Office Manager, Ashlee

Next up in our meet the team series is our Office Manager, Ashlee.  Ashlee joined Refresh back in April 2021 as Office Manager and spends her time leading and organising the Admin Team here at the office. When she isn’t at work, Ashlee enjoys a weekend spent in...
Refresh NI and Alpha Housing Partnership

Refresh NI and Alpha Housing Partnership

Pictured Cameron Watt, Chief Executive of Alpha Housing and Bill Cherry, Managing Director of Refresh NI. Maintenance and Repair Partnership to deliver first-class repairs for sheltered housing residents.  One thousand older people living in Alpha Housing across...
Why Choose Natural Gas?

Why Choose Natural Gas?

Converting to Natural Gas is the ultimate home improvement service that has changed so many households across Northern Ireland for the better. Natural Gas was first introduced to Northern Ireland in 1996. Today, in 2022, 70% of all homes in Northern Ireland have...
Transform your property’s EPC rating with Refresh NI

Transform your property’s EPC rating with Refresh NI

Transform the Energy Efficiency of your home with a Refresh Home Energy Efficiency Upgrade. Refresh NI Home Energy Efficiency Upgrade can improve your property’s Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating by as much as 3 bands. For example, moving up from Level...
How to save money in the bathroom

How to save money in the bathroom

How to save money on your monthly energy bills: Bathroom Edition. Welcome back to the second part of our money-saving series. Today, we are focusing on the room that tends to be the smallest in many homes but consumes a large sum of energy daily, the bathroom. We want...